Monday, October 26, 2009

Music from another Country wins praise

I'm blowing my own trumpet, but if I don't nobody will.
That's not quite true.
Gary Dunne has praised Music from another Country as follows: "Music from another country is a really good read. It's the story of young Alex uncovering various family secrets, with flashbacks to both his brother Kieran in Darlinghurst in the early 1990s, and their grandfather Neil, a Lancaster pilot in World War II. Jeremy deals with Kieran's HIV death in the same way he deals with the events that scored Neil his Victoria Cross. Vividly descriptive, his style leads you to an emotional response, rather than tells you what you should be feeling. The result is a surprisingly gentle tale, but with an emotional sting, about the universality of courage and love." You don't have to accept my word for this. Go to Gary's website to see for yourself.
In the entry below this one, I've noted what Kerryn Goldsworthy had to say about the book in the Sydney Morning Herald. I'm also receiving wonderful feedback from readers and this has been posted on the Fat Frog Books website.
The book is now available at The Bookshop Darlinghurst; Gleebooks in Glebe; Better Read than Dead in Newtown; Eltham Bookshop in Melbourne; and Charles Darwin University Bookshop in Darwin.

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