Friday, April 30, 2010

Farewell Deirdre Hill (O'Donnell)

I knew her only for the past few years. She was one of my predecessors at the Australian Society of Authors where she worked to help achieve one of our greatest victories, Public Lending Right, and she remained very interested in its affairs right up until her last days. For the past year or more, her frailty was very apparent.
We ceased having meetings of the Trustees of the ASA Benevolent Fund (of which she was Chair until forced to stand down down due to her physical deterioration) at the ASA because it was too difficult for her to climb the stairs.
I knew her particularly through the Benevolent Fund and her attendance at ASA events.
I was aware she was the wife of Gus O'Donnell, who was the copyright visionary who set up the Australian Copyright Council and Copyright Agency Ltd.
I'm sorry she's gone.
Pax vobiscum, Deirdre (1925-2010).

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