Sydney, 22 May 2009
Ballarat, 29 May 2009
A typical day at the ASA brings questions about contracts. There are queries about terms, rights, digital contracts, and of course the legal jargon. A different publisher will present a different contact, and you need to clearly understand your obligations and entitlements. Be informed before you sign. Prepare yourself for the legal challenges involved with getting published at this customised workshop. In addition to contracts, other topics covered in this half-day workshop include:
• Who owns copyright? Intellectual property rights
• Copyright protection and moral rights, copyright territories
• Copyright permissions
• Reaching other markets: licensing your rights
• Winning negotiations with your publisher
• Services to the creator – PLR, ELR and CAL
• Avoiding defamation: being clear and careful.
The ASA’s popular Legal Matters workshop has been held in various capital cities and regional venues. Here are some participants’ comments on the benefits of a Legal Matters workshop:
‘You can read things till you're blue in the face, but sometimes they don't strike home till you're part of a discussion about them. The interactive nature of it and the differing concerns of other authors was a big plus for me.’
‘More confidence to read and negotiate terms of contracts.’
‘Lots of good solid information!’
‘Adds to understanding of a very complex area.’
‘Interaction with a variety of writers … made it additionally interesting as different points came up.’
Date: 22 May 2009, 2-5 pm
Venue: Australia Council, Rover Thomas Auditorium, 372 Elizabeth Street (cnr Cooper Street)
Cost: $55 ASA members, $187 non-members. Non-members pay the member's rate plus $132 – the cost of Affiliate membership. We encourage non-members to join and receive all the benefits of ASA membership.
Download your registration form here.
Date: Friday 29 May 2009, 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm. Afternoon tea provided.
Venue: BEST Community Development Conference Centre, 28 Victoria Street, Ballarat, VIC.
(03) 5329 1500
Download your registration form here.
For further information phone 02 9318 0877 or email Kris Clarke.